The terminal demand is weak, and the epoxy chloropropane market continues to decline. According to the monitoring and analysis system of Shengyi Society, as of March 14th, the benchmark price of Shengyi Society’s epichlorohydrin was 9200 yuan/ton, a decrease of -1.87% compared to the beginning of this month.
Price influencing factors:
On the raw material side, the market price of propylene raw material has fallen, and the glycerol market is mainly weakly consolidating. However, overall, the cost aspect is still under high pressure. Insufficient support on the raw material side, weak mentality of manufacturers, and weak downward trend in the market price of epichlorohydrin. According to the market analysis system of Shengyi Society, as of March 13th, the benchmark price of propylene in Shengyi Society was 6935.75 yuan/ton, an increase of 1.80% compared to the beginning of this month (6813.25 yuan/ton).
Supply side: The epoxy chloropropane product plant of Xinyue Group has been restored, with a steady increase in supply and normal market transactions.
Downstream demand side: The domestic epoxy resin market has a production capacity utilization rate of about 50%. Downstream terminal demand is weak, maintaining on-demand procurement and replenishing urgently needed goods, with low intention to purchase epichlorohydrin. The focus is on wait-and-see, with a cold trading atmosphere for actual orders, and the epoxy chloropropane market is under pressure.
Market forecast: Analysts from Shengyi Society believe that the current cost support is insufficient, downstream terminal demand is weak, and the trading atmosphere for actual orders is cold. The market is more cautious and focused on restocking for urgent needs. It is expected that the market for epichlorohydrin will continue to operate weakly in the short term, and more attention still needs to be paid to market news guidance. |