The price of cryolite remained stable in late August

Price trend


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, the price trend of cryolite in Henan region continues to be stable. On August 30th, the average market price in Henan region was 7850 yuan/ton, which is the same as the average price of 7850 yuan/ton on August 21st, with a year-on-year increase of 2.28%.


quotations analysis


In late August, the price trend of cryolite remained stable, and the manufacturer’s quotation remained unchanged. The upstream price of cryolite has risen, leading to an increase in production costs and a firm quotation from enterprises. However, downstream companies are more resistant to high priced cryolite and have less enthusiasm for purchasing in the market. Although cryolite manufacturers maintain rational inventory, their quotations are difficult to rise. Manufacturers negotiate shipment, and the market mentality is to wait and see. As of August 30th, the factory quotation for cryolite in Shandong region is 7000-8600 yuan/ton; The factory quotation for cryolite in Henan region is between 7200-8900 yuan/ton.


The upstream fluorite market has risen, with an average market price of 3168.75 yuan/ton as of August 30, an increase of 1.60% compared to the price of 3118.75 yuan/ton as of August 21. Due to increasingly strict safety and environmental requirements faced by mining enterprises, the operating rate of the domestic fluorite industry remains low, while difficulties in starting raw ore production and restrictions on raw materials have led to tight inventory of fluorite enterprises, tight market spot supply, and an upward trend in fluorite prices.


The downstream aluminum market continued to fluctuate and rise. On August 30th, the aluminum price was around 19043.33 yuan/ton, an increase of 2.29% compared to the price of 18616.67 yuan/ton on August 21st. On the 23rd, the coal mine was affected by a dangerous accident, leading to a rise in coal prices, which has brought expectations of a certain cost increase to the electricity consuming and aluminum industries. At the same time, downstream demand has slightly rebounded, bringing good news to the market, and the aluminum price trend is relatively strong.


Future Market Forecast


Cryolite enterprises maintain rational inventory, manufacturers actively ship, downstream demand is average, market trading atmosphere is weak, raw material construction continues to be low, prices rise strongly, and support for cryolite is good. At the same time, the downstream aluminum market is also operating strongly, and with cost support, it is expected that the cryolite market may consolidate and rise in the future. Specific attention should be paid to changes in manufacturer inventory and downstream acceptance.